A new story, almost there. It’s spring; we open the windows. Where are the window screens? What might fly in?
Month: March 2016
It’s here. A new Story…When Johnny Comes Marching Home
I hope you enjoy this story about … well you’ll see! Click here to read it. Glenda
When Johnny Comes Marching Home…
I have a new story,:”When Johnny Comes Marching Home”. And after a quick read by my two writer friends for preliminary feedback–you know, dotting those i’s and crossing those t’s–I’ll post the story on this site.
Maybe tonight.
Photo by pixabay.com
Tulips…in Spring
I haven’t planted anything, weeded anything, nothing… Spring is here. I did write a little something!
Click here to take a quick read.

A trip to the valley in the mountains. Meet Cecil. You’ll like him–family.
Click here to read the story.
Staunton Virginia…a visit

Today I went to Staunton, Virginia to visit my uncle Cecil. He’s only 96, a youngster. We talked. Watched the robins, who incidentally, are early this year.
We talked about his time in the Army in the Pacific Theatre in WWII and of course about my Dad whose birthday was yesterday.
Then we visited my cousin Kay, a funny and wonderful woman. We talked family and shook the family tree a little.
Some stories are brewing in my head…stay tuned.
A Polar Bear’s Dreams
A short-short story…imagine yourself an animal of a different form. Try on the coat of a polar bear. Enjoy this story. Click here to read.

Chanticleer, Where Are You…conclusion
Chanticleer-A Change in Plans and the Shed in the Woods
Chanticleer Where Are You? continues…
Back at the house there’s a change in plans. And the shed in the woods–unlocked.
Click here to read the story in full….

Surveillance Begins — Patty Makes a Discovery

The story, Chanticleer Where Are You? continues–with eyes in the woods peering. The night darkens, the fog deepens and Patty makes a discovery.