“Oh, it’s you.”
“I’m okay. I’d ask you how you are if I cared, but I don’t.”
“Sure, I have some time. Why not? Go ahead, I’m listening.”
“What’s this leading up to? Do you need some cash?”
“No? Really? What then?”
“Don’t whine. I hate whining, you know that. Just get on with it. It’s almost time for the bus and I don’t want to talk while I’m on the bus.”
“Where am I going? Where I always go at 7:30 in the morning–to work. You know, that thing I do to earn money to live.”
“Yeah, same place.”
“It’s okay, pays the bills. So tell me, what’s the point of this call?”
“Yes, yes I’m listening. Yes, I can have an open mind, until it slams shut.”
“That was a joke. I AM listening. Stop crying.”
“Would a job help? They are hiring at the bakery.”
“What’s wrong with you? Why can’t you work?”
“That’s no excuse. And for your information I don’t think you have a sleep disorder. I’ve seen you asleep, dead to the world on my couch.”
“Yes, I did say I’d have an open mind. But if you’re going to BS me at least make up a viable story.”
“We’ve been through this before. It doesn’t work for me. It didn’t work last time. It’s a small apartment.”
“You DO take up a lot of room. You are a slob and you and your things spread like a virus.”
“The dog?”
“When did you get a dog? And why did you get a dog? You can’t even take care of yourself and now you have a DOG?”
“Sorry, I guess I was judging you. I’m sorry you’re lonely.”
“The dog has no place to go?”
“Do NOT put the dog out on the street. And do not drive out to the country and drop that dog and leave it to fend for itself.”
“Yes you do have a choice.”
“Ok, listen. Are you listening?”
“I’ll take the dog,”
“No, you can’t tag along. Where are you?”
“Why do I need to know? Because I’m coming to get the dog, that’s why.”
“Wait, let me get out a pen to write this down.”
“Ok, go ahead, I’m listening.”
(c) Glenda Kotchish
June 2021