
Silence is not possible.

The sound of living, of life
flows deeply

Make your own noise
and blend into the harmony
of nature, of the universe.

Words are not enough
to explain.

Glenda Kotchish (c) June 2024

image from M on Pixabay


Guide yourself and others
into the balance of being.

The plants show the way.

Reaching and turning 
for the light
turning their leaves

Reaching deeply in
their surroundings
to gain strength
and overtake
all they want.

(c) Glenda Kotchish September 26, 2023


You are not that which surrounds you.
You are not the events.
You are not the politics.
You are not the chaos.

No more than the bird in the sky is the sky,
No more than the plant in the soil is the soil.
No  more than the cream in the coffee is the coffee.

You are essential.
You are real.
You are.

(C) Glenda Kotchish Sepember 12, 2023
Image by Image by Alan Dobson 

Planting the Seeds

Someone planted the seeds.

Before that, plowed the field to plant the seeds

Before that, bought the tractor, to plow the field, to plant the seeds,

Before that, acquired the land, bought the tractor, to plow the field, to plant the seeds

Before that, studied farming, acquired the land, bought the tractor, to plow the field, to plant the seeds

~ ~ ~

Somewhere the wind is blowing on a field made ready for the planting of oats

As she eats a bowl of oatmeal, drizzled with honey

That came from a box

Shipped from a factory

Processed by a mill

And before that someone planted the seeds.

~ ~ ~

She eats as she browses the web

Without thought or gratitude

For the planting of the seeds

That she is me.

© Glenda Kotchish

July 1, 2019