Age a notion a passing of time in time Age is the coming to fruition leaving the innocence to understand your world-- the one you made and make. (c) Glenda Kotchish August 17, 2024
Image from pixabay.com
Age a notion a passing of time in time Age is the coming to fruition leaving the innocence to understand your world-- the one you made and make. (c) Glenda Kotchish August 17, 2024
Image from pixabay.com
She watches
first the sunlight
across his face
while he sleeps.
He stirs
and finally moves
as the bright rays
drive him from his resting place.
perhaps a hour
the light shifts
to another
only shadows rest
upon the walls.
Time to go
to work now.
She thinks,
she’ll only
have the watching
to do
(C) Glenda Kotchish
July 3, 2018
They say, ” change takes time.”
It’s happening all around, everywhere, every second, every nanosecond. No need to get on board. You already are.
The clock, on the tabletop, was an inspiration this morning. A quick poem and I’m off…time is ticking away.
Here’s a new story, very short–a doctor appointment to a new location, miles away. Click here to read.